Android – How to install signed APK on device


I'm in the final stages of preparation for publishing my signed APK to the Android Market. In Google's doc's they say:

10. Test your compiled and signed application

Before you release your compiled application, you should thoroughly test it on the target mobile device (and target network, if possible).

So I have my compiled, release-signed, zipaligned APK ready to put on the Market. How do I get it onto my phone to test it?

Obviously, I can't simply load up my Eclipse project onto the phone (as I've been doing during development) because it loads the debug-signed APK file instead of the APK that has gone through the signing process and is ready to upload to the Android Market.

Best Answer

Try adb install MyApp.apk in a shell from your ./bin folder while the phone is attached to USB.

If you experience problems due to certificate errors, you should run adb uninstall before installing the new package.