Android – How to make an http request using cookies on flutter


I'd like to make an http request to a remote server while properly handling cookies (eg. storing cookies sent by the server, and sending those cookies when I make subsequent requests). It'd be nice to preserve any and all cookies

for http request I am using

static Future<Map> postData(Map data) async {
  http.Response res = await, body: data); // post api call
  Map data = JSON.decode(res.body);
  return data;

Best Answer

Here's an example of how to grab a session cookie and return it on subsequent requests. You could easily adapt it to return multiple cookies. Make a Session class and route all your GETs and POSTs through it.

class Session {
  Map<String, String> headers = {};

  Future<Map> get(String url) async {
    http.Response response = await http.get(url, headers: headers);
    return json.decode(response.body);

  Future<Map> post(String url, dynamic data) async {
    http.Response response = await, body: data, headers: headers);
    return json.decode(response.body);

  void updateCookie(http.Response response) {
    String rawCookie = response.headers['set-cookie'];
    if (rawCookie != null) {
      int index = rawCookie.indexOf(';');
      headers['cookie'] =
          (index == -1) ? rawCookie : rawCookie.substring(0, index);