Android – How to restrict app for tablet in Android


i want to my app run only mobile device not in the

tablet 10 and 7 inch

. but my app is run on both tablet size .please help me out

Best Answer

Yes as @OceanLife says you Should Go with compatible-screens or supports-screens.

but I would like to add Something here.

if you are using

<supports-screens android:largeScreens="false" android:normalScreens="true" 
                  android:smallScreens="true" android:xlargeScreens="false" /> 

then note what official compatible-screens documentation says:

if you want your application to be available only for large and xlarge screen devices, the element allows you to declare that your application does not support small and normal screen sizes. External services (such as Google Play) will filter your application accordingly. You can also use the element to declare whether the system should resize your application for different screen sizes.

So it will effect after you will upload your apk file to PlayStore. untill you will not get this feature affected.

Also see the Filters on Google Play document for more information about how Google Play filters applications using this and other manifest elements.

Hope it will Help.