Android – How to set menu items to the left side of actionbar


I am making an android application which has an actionbar and the actionbar contains the menu items on both sides. So, I need to add one menu item at left side and one menu item at right side of the actionbar.

For this i have created a custom layout and set it to the action bar. As shown in the below image

action bar having custom layout

but i just want to have menu items at the places of left side and right the other screenshot shows the action bar with menu items

actionbar with menu itemss

In this the actionbar contains the menu items. So, i just want the put the plus button menu item to the left as same the first screen shot but i dont want to use the custom layout for this,

Also i need to chnage the font style of the actionbar title and put it in center.

Please help me. I spent many hours on this.

Thank You

Best Answer

You can directly add navigation drawable to your toolbar try this code :

yourToolbar.setNavigationIcon("Resource id")

yourToolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new ClickListener(){})