Android – How to show video in android from google drive url


I want to show video in android application. I have searched on Google and found below code

VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;

String vidAddress = " cookie/preview";

Uri videoUri = Uri.parse(vidAddress);

MediaController mediaController = new MediaController(this);

videoView.setVideoURI(videoUri); videoView.start();

I have placed the above code in onCreate method of activity.

When I run application It gives error "Sorry, this video cannot be played."

Log are displayed as below

07-15 13:58:13.110: V/MediaPlayer-JNI(19546): native_setup
07-15 13:58:13.110: V/MediaPlayer(19546): constructor
07-15 13:58:13.125: V/MediaPlayer(19546): setListener
07-15 13:58:13.125: I/MediaPlayer(19546): path is null
07-15 13:58:13.125: D/MediaPlayer(19546): Couldn't open file on client side, trying server side
07-15 13:58:13.140: V/MediaPlayer(19546): setVideoSurfaceTexture
07-15 13:58:13.140: V/MediaPlayer-JNI(19546): setAudioStreamType: 3
07-15 13:58:13.140: V/MediaPlayer(19546): MediaPlayer::setAudioStreamType
07-15 13:58:13.140: V/MediaPlayer(19546): setVideoSurfaceTexture
07-15 13:58:13.140: V/MediaPlayer(19546): prepareAsync
07-15 13:58:16.810: V/MediaPlayer(19546): message received msg=100, ext1=1, ext2=-2147483648
07-15 13:58:16.810: E/MediaPlayer(19546): error (1, -2147483648)
07-15 13:58:16.810: V/MediaPlayer(19546): callback application
07-15 13:58:16.810: V/MediaPlayer(19546): back from callback
07-15 13:58:16.815: E/MediaPlayer(19546): Error (1,-2147483648)
07-15 13:58:16.815: D/VideoView(19546): Error: 1,-2147483648

I am able to see the video on browser.

Uploaded video file type are mpg, mp4 and wmv

Please help if any one have solution.


Edit : After some work I came to know that one reason is Android version 4.0.3. Above mentioned code is working for sample url like
only in 4.2.2.
Videos from Google docs url still not working. What should I do to play it on 4.0.3

Best Answer

The url that you parse to Uri is not compatible with VideoView because it just a web url for embed on Iframe in html.Please follow this here for solution.