Android – How to you use a loading placeholder that is an animated spinner with image loaders like Glide, Picasso etc


I am trying to insert a generic loading circle as placeholder while an image is being loaded with an image loader library like Glide or Picasso.

I cannot for the life of me find out how you are supposed to create a rotating drawable from xml.

I tried using an AnimationDrawable in XML by creating an animation-list, but it doesn't even show up (not even static).

I just want to have a simple circle that spins all by itself, all in an xml drawable, so I can pass the id as placeholder to my image loader. If that is not possible please tell me now, so I can save a lot of research 🙂

EDIT: Some code to make it more clear, I need a spinning drawable for this Glide command:


While the image is being loaded a placeholder drawable will be shown where the image will later be. I need a drawable that spins itself.

Best Answer

You can add a ProgressBar element to your layout XML, and then display/hide this element as needed. The ProgressBar View is built in and already animated, no custom AnimationDrawable required.