Android – html phonegap android : numeric soft keyboard has next instead of go button


This is driving me crazy and I can't find the answer anywhere.

I have forms in my phonegap app. If the input type="text", the text keyboard pops up and "go" is displayed in the corner. When you click go, it submits the form. That all works as I would expect. But if I use input type="number", the number keyboard pops up and "next" is displayed in the corner. When you click next, if there is another input box before the button tag, it goes to that input. That's okay. . . not ideal, but makes sense. But if it is the last input field on the page, click "next" does nothing. It doesn't put focus on the button (even with tabindex) and it doesn't submit the form (ideal).

I'm using phonegap 1.3.0 and jquery 1.7 if any of that helps.

Best Answer

You can detect the next keyboard press by using the following bind in JQuery:

$('input').on('keydown', function(e){
    if(e.which === 9) {
        //your code here

The 'next' button emulates the tab keypress event on a keyboard, which is key code 9. Unfortunately, keypress and keyup events do not detect the next key event, so you need to bind it on keydown.

Hope that helps!