Android – instead of preview, Android Studio showing only black screen with ‘android…ActionBarOverlayLayout’ written on it


From few days, I'm not able to see preview/design of screens/layouts.
Only a black screen is shown with android…ActionBarOverlayLayout written on it. enter image description here

There is no error or exception in logcat. Also after running the project no issue on device. Only preview and Design tab in Android Studio showing black screen.

This is happening for every layouts after some Android Studio and build tools updates(which happened automatically)

Note: If I change Theme in preview (Theme in Editor), then sometimes the preview is shown, but it's very weird preview which can't be used for development

Best Answer

If problem still not solved after doing things that @Roar RAP mentioned.

Goto: src -> main -> res -> style.xml and add Base. to the style tag parent attribute. It should look like below,

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">

This option is also worked for me.