Android – Internet access from android emulator slow or unstable


I have enabled permissions for internet access, there are no proxies to deal with. I find that though most of the time i can access the net from the browser in the emulator or from my application the access is very slow though I have high speed broadband connection.

My question is this – is there a setting in the emulator that is meant to simulate the speed of the internet connection and by default set to a lower value? if yes how do i change it. if not why is the connection slow in the emulator.

Another problem is that this connection breaks often and I get page not found exception from both my application and the browser in the emulator. this becomes ok once I restart he emulator.

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

There is a setting to delay & throttle network I/O on the emulator but it defaults to full speed.

The problem is probably somewhere else since there is AFAIK no GUI / keyboard shortcut to trigger that delay and you would need to start the emulator from command line & specify these options.