Android – Kitkat kills: Not allowed to load local resource: file:///android_asset/webkit/android-weberror.png


I have an app that uses WebViews. I've changed my targetAPI from 18 to 19 and I'm currently testing on the new 4.4. For some reason I'm getting this error: Not allowed to load local resource: file:///android_asset/webkit/android-weberror.png on 4.4 but not on 4.3, does somebody have clue why?

Since I don't really know where to start looking I can't give the complete code. It might have something to do with the shouldInterceptRequest(Webview, String) method in the WebViewClient but I'm not really sure. If I know more, I'll update the question.

Best Answer

I found that I had this problem on KitKat when I used webview.loadData(). If I instead used webview.loadDataWithBaseURL() (I used "file:///android_asset/" as the baseURL), then the problem went away.

The methods setAllowFileAccess(), setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(), and setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs() did not have any affect that I could see.

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