Android Left to Right slide animation


I have three activities whose launch modes are single instance.
Using onfling(), I swing them left and right.

The problem is when I swipe right to left the slide transition is okay but when I swipe left to right, I get the transition of swiping right to left.

I know why this is happening its because I am always sending new intents. But, now I need to change the animation of sliding left to right.

I know there is a method named overridingTransitionPending(), but I do not know how to define my animation in XML.

Best Answer

Use this xml in res/anim/

This is for left to right animation:

<set xmlns:android=""
  <translate android:fromXDelta="-100%" android:toXDelta="0%"
             android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"

This is for right to left animation:

<set xmlns:android=""
     android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="100%"
     android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"
     android:duration="700" />

In your coding use intent like for left to right:


In your coding use intent like for right to left
