LinPhone building process for Android


I am building Linphone application for android. I am working in Ubuntu 11.04 OS.

I Followed the steps given in README file:

  1. Download the Android ndk (>=r5c) from google.
  2. Install the autotools: autoconf, automake, aclocal, libtoolize pkgconfig
  3. Run the ./ script in the top level directory. This will download iLBC source files and convert some assembly files in VP8 project.
    $ ./

  4. Finally from directory linphone-android, just execute command:
    $ ${my google ndk directory}/ndk-build

I got the output in terminal as

StaticLibrary  : libopencoreamr.a 
Compile arm    : vpx <= vpx_mem.c 
In file included from jni/..//submodules/externals/build/libvpx/../../libvpx/vpx_mem/vpx_mem.c:18: 

jni/..//submodules/externals/build/libvpx/../../libvpx/vpx_mem/include/vpx_mem_intrnl.h:14:24: error: vpx_config.h: No such file or directory 
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/vpx/vpx_mem/vpx_mem.o] Error 1 

If i solve this error i will be able to compile and run the Linphone application. Some one please help me to solve this..

Best Answer

  1. Open terminal
  2. Download source code through command: git clone git:// --recursive
  3. Go to root directory of the downloaded project through command: cd /home/your_downloaded_project_path/
  4. Fire the command: ./ /home/android-ndk-r7b/
  5. Go to root directory of NDK folder through command: cd /home/android-ndk-r7b/
  6. Fire the command: export NDK_PROJECT_PATH=/home/your_downloaded_project_path/
  7. ./ndk_build clean
  8. ./ndk_build -i

Note: Here /home/android-ndk-r7b/ will be your NDK path where you have stored downloaded NDK

Try dis..if still not work mention error what you would get.

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