Android – Logcat not showing debug level messages


For some reason I'm able to see messages of all levels Log.i() and above, but not the Log.d() or Log.v() levels. Haven't had much luck finding a reason for this. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Some further details: This is not an issue with me forgetting to select the appropriate level in the logcat dropdown in Eclipse. The log messages in question don't show up on an app I have for logcat tracking on my phone either. (debug log messages are showing up from other apps though). I am running OSX.

Best Answer

Turns out I had to enable the appropriate logging level directly through ADB.

$ ./adb shell stop
$ ./adb shell setprop log.tag.MYTAG VERBOSE
$ ./adb shell start

This solved the problem. Seems like a pain to do that every time I restart my phone though.

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