Android – MediaPlayer stop playing after about 5 seconds


I'm currently developing a simple game and now it's time to add music and sound effect. I tried using MediaPlayer, just like described here: Android media player bug

However I have another problem, the MediaPlayer stop playing the music after about 5 seconds. What is probable causing this?

Best Answer

I had this problem too. It was probably due to having the MediaPlayer-object only existing within a method.

For example:

//ERROR, stops after 5 sec!
public static void playMusic(int id)
  MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(context, id);

It is most likely that the garbage collector will come in and clean away the MediaPlayer-object.

This fixed the error for me:

//mediaPlayer-object will not we cleaned away since someone holds a reference to it!
private static MediaPlayer mediaPlayer;

public static void playMusic(int id)
    mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(context, id);
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