Android NDK: No rule to make target


I'm trying to build a simple Android application using NDK.
Here are the contents of my

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)  

include $(CLEAR_VARS)  

LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog  

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := native.c


And when I'm running ndk-build I get:

make: * No rule to make target
'/native.c', needed by

So the problem is obviously that make is searching the source files in the root directory and if I copy native.c to my root folder everything works perfectly.

The question is: what should I specify in my to set the LOCAL_PATH to my working jni folder.

Best Answer

OK, I've solved my issue, and the reason was very strange: the problem is in the first line

'LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)____'

It had several spaces in the end (I've replaced them with '_'). If you remove them everything works just fine.

Hope that helps someone else.

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