Android – Not able to start Genymotion device


I am getting an error when I try to start Genymotion. It says

The Genymotion Virtual device could not obtain an IP address.For an
unknown reason, VirtualBox DHCP has not assigned an IP address to
virtual device. Run the VirtualBox software to check for issues

Can someone please tell me how to start it?

Best Answer

I had this same issue and here are the specific configuration that I needed to get this to work.

First, go to the VirtualBox preferences -> Network.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

For the "Host-only Networks" tab, focus on the vboxnet0.

enter image description here

Click the icon on the left that looks like a screwdriver. For the Adapter tab, fill in the IPv4 Network Address as Fill in the IPv4 Network Mask as

enter image description here

For the DHCP Server tab, select the check box for Enable Server to enable the server Fill in the Server Address as Fill in the Server Mask as Fill in the Lower Address Bound as Fill in the Upper Address Bound as

enter image description here

The DHCP server part is what was not correct for me and it fixed my problem.