Android – Qt Creator: No valid kits for Android found


After downloading the release candidate of QT android (windows 5.1) I decided to start QT Creator and try to make an android project (something small to see if it works). After following the tutorial I have added all (except for mips) android kits.

When I make a regular QT Application it tells me it sees all the android kits and if I use that it launches the emulator.

The problem however is that when I create a QT mobile application it tells me there are no valid kits.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I don't have a great answer for you as I'm very new to Qt-Creator, but I noticed that the "GUI Applications" have both Desktop and Android support. If you select GUI you'll have the option to configure the kits and select Android ARM 5/6/7 or x86 under your kits.

You can select Android or play around with both Desktop and Android to start out. I'm in the middle of playing with a "Hello World" example and trying to deploy to a Nexus 7. This definitely launches the AVD though I've had little success actually connecting to it at the moment.

Hopefully this pushes you past the initial hump.