Android – REQUEST_DENIED response using Google Places Autocomplete API

androidgoogle apigoogle mapsgoogle-places-api

I am working on android app which uses google's places autocomplete API.

When tried to hit following URL

I got the response as below.

"predictions" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"

I got the API key from link below
Google APIs console

also i have enabled Google Maps API v3 service.
As per API documentation REQUEST_DENIED response is generally due to lack of sensor parameter but which i have already provided.
After hitting above URL directly in browser also i am getting REQUEST_DENIED response.
Is anything else i have to do?

Best Answer

Are you sure your key is correct and that you have enough quota left? Try generating a new key and checking that you have the referrals correct/set to empty.

You also may need to wait up to 5 minutes for the key to become active.

FWIW I tested your URL with my own key and it worked fine.