Android – Resize image to full width and variable height with Picasso


I have a listView with an adapter that contains ImageView of variable size (width and height). I need resize the pictures load with Picasso to the max width of layout and a variable height given by the aspect ratio of the picture.

I have checked this question:
Resize image to full width and fixed height with Picasso

The fit() works but I haven't found nothing to keep the aspect ratio of the picture.

This code partially works if I fixed the height in the layout of the adapter:


But it generates blank spaces between the pictures of the listView because the pictures may be that not have that height.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

As of Picasso 2.4.0, this operation is now directly supported. Simply add a .resize() request with one of the dimensions as 0. For example, to have a variable width, your call would become:

       .resize(0, holder.message_picture.getHeight()),

Note that this call uses .getHeight() and therefore assumes the message_picture has already been measured. If that isn't the case, such as when you have inflated a new view in a ListAdapter, you can delay this call until after measurement by adding an OnGlobalLayoutListener to the view:

      .addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
            // Wait until layout to call Picasso
            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                // Ensure we call this only once

                       .resize(0, holder.message_picture.getHeight())
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