Android – Save object while orientation change


How to save Object while orientation change, since onRetainNonConfigurationInstance and getLastNonConfigurationInstance are deprecated. And which cannot me used with compatibility package android-support-v4.jar FragmentActivity, where it shows Cannot override the final method from FragmentActivity

developer site say

Use the new Fragment API setRetainInstance(boolean) instead;

But I don't know how to save a custom object using setRetainInstance

My scenario :
In my activity I have a AsyncTask with progress dialog. Here I need to handle orientation change.
For that I got a very good answer from Mark Murphy, CommonsWare
with sample project

Since I'm using compatibility package android-support-v4.jar, FragmentActivity, I can't override onRetainNonConfigurationInstance
Cannot override the final method from FragmentActivity

Is there any alternative method for saving my custom object?

I cannot make my AsyncTask task Parcelable (If I'm not wrong) since it use interface, context etc.
My AsyncTask

 public class CommonAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Object, Object>  {
        Context context;
        AsyncTaskServices callerObject;
        ProgressDialog progressDialog;
        String dialogMessag ; 

I'm looking, is there any alternatives for onRetainNonConfigurationInstance method, which save an object completely while orientation change and later can be retrieve using getLastNonConfigurationInstance

Best Answer

You can use onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance.

Use this instead of onRetainNonConfigurationInstance(). Retrieve later with getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance().

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