Android – Send push notifications using Cloud Functions for Firebase


I am trying to make a cloud function that sends a push notification to a given user.

The user makes some changes and the data is added/updated under a node in firebase database (The node represents an user id). Here i want to trigger a function that sends a push notification to the user.

I have the following structure for the users in DB.


 - UID
 - - email
 - - token

 - UID
 - - email
 - - token

Until now i have this function:

exports.sendNewTripNotification = functions.database.ref('/{uid}/shared_trips/').onWrite(event=>{
const uuid = event.params.uid;

console.log('User to send notification', uuid);

var ref = admin.database().ref('Users/{uuid}');
ref.on("value", function(snapshot){
        console.log("Val = " + snapshot.val());
    function (errorObject) {
        console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);

When i get the callback, the snapshot.val() returns null. Any idea how to solve this? And maybe how to send the push notification afterwards?

Best Answer

I managed to make this work. Here is the code that sends a notification using Cloud Functions that worked for me.

exports.sendNewTripNotification = functions.database.ref('/{uid}/shared_trips/').onWrite(event=>{
    const uuid = event.params.uid;

    console.log('User to send notification', uuid);

    var ref = admin.database().ref(`Users/${uuid}/token`);
    return ref.once("value", function(snapshot){
         const payload = {
              notification: {
                  title: 'You have been invited to a trip.',
                  body: 'Tap here to check it out!'

         admin.messaging().sendToDevice(snapshot.val(), payload)

    }, function (errorObject) {
        console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
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