Android – Sort list of lon\lat points, start with nearest


I have location from GPS (lon_base, lat_base).
I have a list of locations (lon1, lat1|lon2, lat2|lon3, lat3…)
This list is very long and is around the world.

My questions are:
1. How do I get from that list only the lon\lat that are 1 mile from my lon_base\lat_base?
2. How do I sort them from closest to farthest?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

public static List<Location> sortLocations(List<Location> locations, final double myLatitude,final double myLongitude) {
    Comparator comp = new Comparator<Location>() {
        public int compare(Location o, Location o2) {
            float[] result1 = new float[3];
            android.location.Location.distanceBetween(myLatitude, myLongitude, o.Lat, o.Long, result1);
            Float distance1 = result1[0];

            float[] result2 = new float[3];
            android.location.Location.distanceBetween(myLatitude, myLongitude, o2.Lat, o2.Long, result2);
            Float distance2 = result2[0];

            return distance1.compareTo(distance2);

    Collections.sort(locations, comp);
    return locations;

Where the List of Locations is a list containing your own Location class, not the android.location.Location.