Android – Streaming Video (or Progressive Download) to the Droid Browser


I am trying to stream video (or use progressive download) to a Motorola Droid Browser and am not having a lot of luck. With my iPhone, I can direct Safari to (which is an MPEG-4 video file), and Safari opens quicktime, and the video plays. However, with the Droid, I go to the same web address and am faced with a error stating "Cannot play video…. Sorry, this video is not valid for streaming to this device".

When I direct the Droid's browser to a WMV file, it will fully download the video file and then play it in what appears to be the Droid video player if I click on it.

Ideally, I'd like to replicate the behavior of the iPhone on the Droid, where the video player pops up and the video starts before the complete download. Video format isn't an issue, as I can encode the video to pretty much any standard. I was trying the .mp4 file because the Droid documentation says that it supports MPEG-4 video, although I can't get it to work from the browser.

Any insight would be much appreciate.

Best Answer

You should launch an intent and set the type to "video/*" so that it opens directly with a video player instead of the browser.