Android Studio 3.5 Cause: buildOutput.apkData must not be null Clean & Rebuild already tried


After I've updated Android Studio 3.4 to 3.5 and wanted to build a Signed APK, however I get the error :

Cause: buildOutput.apkData must not be null Error

I've already tried to Clean & Make the Project and to Clean & Rebuild the Project, with no success.

I am using Android Gradle 3.5.0 & Gradle Version 5.4.1

Best Answer

This issue happens after update my Android studio v3.4 to v3.5 Now, it is working fine

I fixed this issue by deleting debug/output.json and release/output.json files
otherwise change your apk destination folder path.

Android Studio 3.5
compilesdkVersion 28

apk generating working