Android-studio – Android Studio fails to connect to SVN server – SSL handshake failure


I am having issues to connect to SVN server using Android Studio 1.01.
When I try to browse the remote SVN repository I get the following error:

Subversion: (Accessing URL: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure Please check Subversion SSL settings (Settings | Version Control | Subversion | Network) Maybe you should specify SSL protocol manually – SSLv3 or TLSv1

My SVN server is hosted at

Assembla team blocked the SSL based connections to the SVN server and ask me to use TLS.
See my conversation with the assembla support.

Using the SVN CLI, I am able to connect to the the server with no issues.
My SVN client version is: 1.8.10
My Mac info:

system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType Software:

System Software Overview:

System Version: OS X 10.9.5 (13F34)
Kernel Version: Darwin 13.4.0
Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
Boot Mode: Normal
Computer Name: [name goes here]
User Name: [name goes here>]

After deleting the directory ~/.subversion/auth/svn.ssl.server
and restarting Android Studio I was able to browse the remote repository (using Android Studio) without any issues.
After a while the ssl handshake error came back and the folder ~/.subversion/auth/svn.ssl.server was created on the file system.

My Android Studio SVN configuration:

  1. General: Use Command line client: /sw/bin/svn (it points to the 1.8.10 SVN client)
  2. General: Use system default Subversion configuration directory: ~/.subversion
  3. Network: TLSv1

Please advice

Best Answer

In Idea or Android Studio, Settings > Version Control > Subversion in General tab, check "Use command line client" with "svn" value.

My error was solved with this solution.