Flutter – Android Studio With Flutter Update Has Caused an Indexing Loop


I did an android studio update and updated flutter and now the IDE is stuck in an indexing loop. At the bottom center it keeps flashing 'Updating Indexes…' and my projects projectName.iml file keeps flashing between being a file icon and a folder with a green dot icon. Also each file error indicator flashes between the green check to the eye icon.

Not Indexing State Icon: Folder Icon
Indexing State Icon: File Icon

I've invalidated the caches and restarted several times and every flutter project is having this same issue. When the update completed I got a flutter notification that reads:

Flutter module type updated
Converted from 'WEB_MODULE' to 'JAVA_MODULE'

Flutter module type updated

I'm able to continue work on the project and launch the application in the emulator without any problems, it's just distracting having this constant flashing on the screen. Anyone else having this problem and found a solution?

Flutter Plugin:
Version: 23.0.2

Flutter SDK Version:
Flutter 0.2.3 • channel beta • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git Framework • revision 5a58b36e36 (2 weeks ago) • 2018-03-13 13:20:13 -0700 Engine • revision e61bb9ac3a Tools • Dart 2.0.0-dev.35.flutter-290c576264

Dart Plugin:
Version: 173.4700

Dart SDK:
Path: ~/dev_mobile/flutterSDK/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk
Version: 2.0.0-edge.***cc5fe0

Coverage Plugin:
Version: 173.4301.25

Android Studio:
enter image description here

Best Answer

I found this comment in an android studio bug and it fixed it for me:

"File -> invalidating caches and restart"