Android SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission


I read that with Android 6.0, users need to manually allow apps to hold this permission by going to app advanced settings and enabling "Draw over other apps". I have a Nexus 5 with Android 6.0 but I don't seem to be prompted to enable this setting. When I install apps from the Play Store that require this permission, such as LastPass, it gets granted automatically.

Why is this so?

Best Answer

It is a new behaviour introduced in Marshmallow 6.0.1.

Every app that requests the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission and that is installed through the Play Store (version 6.0.5 or higher is required), will have granted the permission automatically.

If instead the app is sideloaded, the permission is not automatically granted. You can try to download and install the Evernote APK from As you can see you need to manually grant the permission in Settings -> Apps -> Draw over other apps.

[The above information is from this post.]

If you want the app to be sideloaded, you show manually show a prompt and direct the user to enable Draw over other apps permissions from the settings. Have a look at Requesting permissions