Android Text should appear both side in the Switch

androidcustom-componentswitch statement

I using custom switch for support of API 8. I am using THIS Libarary for Custom Switch. But I want to make something Like show in figure.I have tried to change the color ,though changing the color in the style but doesn't effect as i want.

enter image description here

Please help me , Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Here's a full, working solution, after a fun day implementing this.

Custom switch example

Use the following to set the drawable for the track of the switch. The track is the container within which the thumb slides left and right.

mMessengerSwitch.setTrackDrawable(new SwitchTrackTextDrawable(this,
        "LEFT", "RIGHT"));

Here's the implementation of the SwitchTrackTextDrawable, which writes the text in the background exactly in the right position (well, I've only tested it for API 23 on a Nexus 5):

 * Drawable that generates the two pieces of text in the track of the switch, one of each
 * side of the positions of the thumb.
public class SwitchTrackTextDrawable extends Drawable {

    private final Context mContext;

    private final String mLeftText;

    private final String mRightText;

    private final Paint mTextPaint;

    public SwitchTrackTextDrawable(@NonNull Context context,
            @StringRes int leftTextId,
            @StringRes int rightTextId) {
        mContext = context;

        // Left text
        mLeftText = context.getString(leftTextId);
        mTextPaint = createTextPaint();

        // Right text
        mRightText = context.getString(rightTextId);

    private Paint createTextPaint() {
        Paint textPaint = new Paint();
        //noinspection deprecation
        // Set textSize, typeface, etc, as you wish
        return textPaint;

    public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
        final Rect textBounds = new Rect();
        mTextPaint.getTextBounds(mRightText, 0, mRightText.length(), textBounds);

        // The baseline for the text: centered, including the height of the text itself
        final int heightBaseline = canvas.getClipBounds().height() / 2 + textBounds.height() / 2;

        // This is one quarter of the full width, to measure the centers of the texts
        final int widthQuarter = canvas.getClipBounds().width() / 4;
        canvas.drawText(mLeftText, 0, mLeftText.length(),
                widthQuarter, heightBaseline,
        canvas.drawText(mRightText, 0, mRightText.length(),
                widthQuarter * 3, heightBaseline,

    public void setAlpha(int alpha) {

    public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) {

    public int getOpacity() {
        return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT;