Android – The ADB binary is obsolete and has serious performance problems with the Android Emulator (error)


Android Studio produces the following error:

The ADB binary at
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe is
obsolete and has serious performance problems with the Android
Emulator. Please update to a newer version to get significantly faster
app / file transfer

I tried to check at: SDK Manager -> SDK Tools -> Android SDK Build-Tools (link to that answer). But the last update has been installed already.

P.S. I know, such a question already exists (link to that question), but there I can't write a solution that helped me, because I don't have enough reputation points. So, I'll write here the solution, maybe it will help someone…

Best Answer

The Android Studio should recheck SDK (it should help, at least it helped me)

Go to:

SDK Manager -> Android SDK Location: (Edit) -> Next -> Next -> Finish

SDK Location doesn't have to be changed.