Android Virtual Device install Google APIs Intel Atom

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I'm using android virtual device for android development.
Each time I want to create an AVD with target Google APIs(Google Inc.) – API level 21, the AVD manager show the message

This AVD may not work unless you install the Google APIs Intel Atom (x86) system image for Android 5.0 (API 21) first.

Before this, I use Android 5.0 – API level 21 target instead.
What can I do to use the Google APIs target

Best Answer

You need to install Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image in your Android SDK first, but Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image for 64 bit system image you created. Remember, you will always need to install Google APIs System Image for every Android SDK API levels. But it excepted for Android 4.4W (API level 20).

What are the minimum requirements I need to create a phone AVD?

Open your SDK and install the following:

  1. SDK Platform
  2. Google APIs (if found on your SDK).
  3. ARM EABI v7a System Image or Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image (choose one based on your System Image that you will use on your AVD's CPU/ABI).
  4. Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image (if found on your SDK & if you will use ARM EABI v7a System Image as your AVD's CPU/ABI).
  5. Google APIs (x86 System Image)or Google APIs (ARM System Image) (choose one).
  6. Intel x86 Atom System Image (don't install if you will use ARM EABI v7a System Image).
  7. Create your AVD.


  1. Choose one of them based on your System Image that you will use. ARM EABI v7a or Intel Atom x86 only.
  2. If you are using Intel Atom x86 System Image, you need to install "Intel HAXM" first (search on Google). This system image supports only if your computer's processor is strong and speed enough. My PC is using Intel Core 2 Duo @2.93 GHz E7500, but it's not supported to use Intel HAXM (that means, I can't use Intel Atom x86 System Image as my AVD's CPU/ABI. So I need to upgrade my PC's CPU).