Android – What does the percentage indicates next to update rollout in new Manage release page in Playstore


Playstore app publish console has introduced new page Manage releases instead of APK page, here we all manage app's apk for different environment like alpha,beta and producation.

In the Manage Production i have rolled out an new update for existing app after publishing the app i could see two option for the release "Halt rollout", "Update rollout" and next this there is symbol which shows 5%, on clicking the update rollout everytime the percentage symbol get incremented by 5%.

I may like to know what does the percentage symbol indicates?

Best Answer

In order to make the app available for all our users, then rollout percentage should reach 100.

For this we need to click the update rollout which initially increments to 5 percent then to 10 and then 25 so finally when all increments done it will reach 100, by this time only it will available to all users else it will be available to only few percentage of users,