Android – Where to get database error information in Android SQLite (e.g. failed insert due to violation of not null)


I just realized that one of my database insert() commands failed due to violation of a not null constraint – I just filled no data into this field.

Problem is, it took me ages to find out why this insert returned -1, because I could not find an error or Exception anywhere.

I'd expect, and I guess for more complex databases and query, it's totally important, to have somewhere some information from the database what's really going on that makes the DB access fail, but I could not find any information on this anywhere.

Best Answer

I found that one can use insertOrThrow() instead of insert, at least you get an exception when, something goes wrong, saying android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19: constraint failed - even though I actually would wish/expect it would be even clearer and tell me which column has an error or so, but maybe I'm too demanding about SQLIte's feaures here.

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