Android – Why does Android Eclipse constantly refresh external folders and take forver


Just my a new Android phone and I've been tinkering with some basic apps. It's been driving my crazy that the Android plugin for Eclipse refreshes externals folders whenever I save ANYTHING. Normally I wouldn't mind but when it takes 10s to refresh I start to notice.

I already searched and other people have this problem, but there are no solutions.

If it matters, Eclipse 3.5 running on a 64bit jvm on Ubuntu 9.10

Best Answer

If you have references to external sources put them in a zip file:

YourProject->rightClick->Properties->Java Build Path->libraries->..., and then most notably android.jar, but other libs can be the culprit too. Expand it and and select Source attachment, and then (if it doesn't say 'None') press the 'Edit...'-button. If that points to a directory waht you should do is compress that source-directory into a zip file and make the source attachment point to that file.

Apparently eclipse/adt feels the need to refresh sources on the file-system. When they're in a zip-file it seems confident that they have not changed....