Angular 4: Multiple (named) router-outlets in a child route: supported


I have a master-detail setup with also another section for "editing" a list item, all on 1 landing-route (in my sample app, the route is /stuff). The detail component is populated using the default router-outlet, and is located at /stuff/:index . I am trying to send the HTML to another router-outlet for the edit part via route /stuff/:index/edit, yet Angular cannot seem to recognize the route.

I went ahead and put a generalized version of the situation on Bitbucket:

Anyways, the general error is this:

Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'stuff/1/edit'

Most-relevant parts of the code:

Routes definition:

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'stuff', component: AComponent, children:[
    { path: ':index', component: BComponent},
    { path: ':index/edit', component: EditComponent, outlet:'editsection'}


    *ngFor="let a of items; let indexOI = index;"
<router-outlet name="editsection"></router-outlet>


  Detail section works! {{ index }}

edit.component.html (less relevant, but important to recognize)

  edit section works!

Best Answer

Apply these changes in the b.component.html and it should work as expected.

  Detail section works! {{ index }}
 <button type="button"

For dynamic URL, using the routerLink, first, mention which route you want to go and then define the outlets and sub-routes as shown.

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