Angular google map close info window on new marker click

angulargoogle maps

I am using Angular google map:
Right now as default functionality, it open the info-window defined inside marker.
And on click of any new marker it remains open old window. I need to close info window on click of another marker.
This is html code:

<agm-map [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng" [zoom]="zoom">
              *ngFor="let m of markers; let i = index"
              (markerClick)="clickedMarker(m.label, infoWindow, i)"

            <agm-info-window #infoWindow>


this is code when marker is clicked:

clickedMarker(label: string, infoWindow, marker, index: number) {
     if( this.infoWindowOpened ===  infoWindow)

    if(this.infoWindowOpened !== null)
    this.infoWindowOpened = infoWindow;

It works when the page refresh. But as soon as I refresh markers variable it show this error:

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
at InfoWindowManager.close (info-window-manager.js:48)
at AgmInfoWindow.close (info-window.js:94)
at SearchComponent.clickedMarker (search.component.ts:188)

component code to refresh markers:

              name: item.Name,  
              lat: parseFloat(item.latitude.toString()),
              lng: parseFloat(item.longitude.toString()),
              draggable: false,      

Best Answer

You can rewrite your clickedMarker very simple as follows

clickedMarker(infowindow) {
    if (this.previous) {
    this.previous = infowindow;

Make the change to your event binding function in the template


The live code is here

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