Angular – How does Angular2’s pipes work with data binding


I'm writing a simple todo app to learn Angular 2. I noticed that using pipes break the update behavior.

I have the following template

<input type="text" placeholder="Search" #queryBox (keyup)="query=queryBox.value">

<ul class="task-list">
    <task-item *ng-for="#task of tasks | filter:containsString:query" [task]="task" (onDelete)="delete($event)"></task-item>

and when I click on the delete button, the underlying data model is changed but this change is not reflected in the UI. I have determined it's because the filter pipe doesn't get called. If I change the above line to

<task-item *ng-for="#task of tasks" [task]="task" (onDelete)="delete($event)"></task-item>

then things like add, delete works again, but obvious I don't get filtering. Why would adding pipes break the update behavior of this binding?

Best Answer

That's because by default Pipes are stateless (they render UI just once).

You have to add :

  selector: ...,
  pure: false

When you set 'pure' to false, Angular updates the data inside the pipe each cycle.

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