Angular – How to Source Map Angular CLI css files in Chrome Dev Tools


Is there a way to source-map styles so that edits made in Chrome Dev Tools can be persisted to a added local Workspace?

Chrome Dev Tools is showing all my styles in styles.scss in a <style>...</style> tag in the element inspector.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I've setup Chrome Dev Tools workspaces similar to how @vt5491 did it in their SO here: and that is working for the .ts files I believe but element styles don't link back to source maps in the element inspect as they've been built with ng serve into index.html's <style> element it seems.

  • I'm running ng serve -dev -p=8081
  • and tried ng serve -dev -p=8081 --aot=true but got a ENONET ng.factory.js missing error
  • I tried putting styles in app.component.css versus styles.scss
  • I tried this with ng build but it also puts all styles into
    index.html's <style>

Is this just the way it is currently with the Angular CLI? Maybe tweaking the web-pack underneath? It seems to be adding <style> tags per compiled stylesheet. If this is how the CLI is working currently then maybe this isn't just a question but a feature request because we are doing front-end work right, so having this working would save time.

Related to:

Thanks for any advice offered.

Best Answer

When you type ng serve by default angular cli doesn't include sourcemaps files for css files but you can include it by typing this command

ng serve -sm -ec


ng serve --sourcemap --extractCss

I use Angular Cli -v 1.0.3, and More information - Angular CLI special cases