Angular – MAT-SELECTION-LIST binding not working with FormGroup


I am trying to get MAT-SELECTION-LIST to work inside a reactive form, to make a checklist group, using FormBuilder to create a FormGroup with the relevant FormControl in it. Instinctively, I just want to have a simple control like this:

      this.clientForm= {
    myOtherControl: [[]]

and use it like this:

<form [formGroup]="clientForm">

  FormGroup Value
  {{ clientForm.get('myOtherControl').value | json }}
<mat-selection-list id='2' formControlname="myOtherControl">
  <mat-list-option value="SOMETHING3">
  <mat-list-option value="SOMETHING4">

The problem is I can't get this to register any changes – the value shown remains as an empty array. But if I just use a bare FormControl, it works and I see the changes reflected, for example:

  FormControl Value

  {{ myControl.value | json }}
<mat-selection-list id='1' [formControl]="myControl">
  <mat-list-option value="SOMETHING">
  <mat-list-option value="SOMETHING2">

See for an example. Does anyone have any ideas what is going on here? I am on Angular 6/Material 6. I know there have been various issues with selectedOptions etc, but it looks like they are fixed now and this should just work?

Edit – Sooo, this is bizarre. As was pointed out in the comments, my example actually works if you correct the type on FormControlName. But that was just a typo, my actual code still wasn't connecting. But I could now see from the example that it should! So I decided to strip down my actual form to this just this one control and see if anything could coerce it into connecting to its formControl. Believe it not, taking out a Flex Layout attribute on a surrounding div fixed it! And to top it off, this isn't reproducible in the stackblitz example, even with exact same versions of material and flex-layout. Totally freaky, wasted hours on this. So basically, in my HTML context (a pop up dialog box), this doesn't work :

        <form [formGroup]="clientForm">
     {{ clientForm.get('geos').value | json }}

        <div fxLayout="row">
          <mat-list-option *ngFor="let geo of data.geos"
        {{}} {{geo.text}}

But this does:

<form [formGroup]="clientForm">
  {{ clientForm.get('geos').value | json }}
    <div >
      <mat-list-option *ngFor="let geo of data.geos"
        {{}} {{geo.text}}

Moving the fxLayout="row" from the div to the mat-selection-list made it work – frightening!

Best Answer

This is an interesting problem indeed. I ran into it as well. I was able to fix it with doing this:

// component.ts
this.clientForm = {
    myOtherControl: new FormControl([]) 

// component.html
<form [formGroup]="clientForm">
     {{ clientForm.get('myOtherControl').value | json }}

   <mat-selection-list formControlName="myOtherControl">
     <mat-list-option value="SOMETHING3">SOMETHING3</mat-list-option>
     <mat-list-option value="SOMETHING4">SOMETHING4</mat-list-option>

For some reason you might get a complain from the IDE that formControlName is an unknown attribute of mat-selection-list but it seems to be working just fine.

Here is an example:

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