Angular – mat-step onclick event function


wondering if it is possible to have a click event for the mat-step button. For each mat-step button, I would like to add a (click) event which calls a method. In other words, the mat-step button acts like a regular button.

This is the mat-step:

This is my code:

<ng-template matStepLabel (click) = "createView()">Output</ng-template>

I get this error:

Template parse errors:
Event binding click not emitted by any directive on an embedded template. Make sure that the event name is spelled correctly and all directives are listed in the "@NgModule.declarations". ("eateView()" >Output–>

Best Answer

So, I just ran into this problem and the easy fix is to wrap the actual content of the step label in a p tag and add the click event there. For your example, it'd be:

  <ng-template matStepLabel>
    <p (click)="createView()">Output</p>

Alternatively, and much more powerfully, you can hook into the selectionChange event in the parent stepper component like so:

<mat-horizontal-stepper (selectionChange)="selectionChange($event)">

The event emitted has the following properties:

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