Angular Material Grid Layout


What are predefined classes for grid layout in Angular Material? We have "row","col-sm-4" etc.. classes in bootstrap. Do we have these type of classes in Angular Material 2?

Best Answer

I'll give you the basics.

In Angular Material (for Angular 2/4) the most commonly used attributes are:

fxLayout="row | column"
fxLayoutAlign="start | center | end | stretch | space-around | space-between | none" (can accept 2 properties at the same time)
fxFlex="number" (can accept numbers from 1 to 100)

You can also use postfix as fxLayout.xs and so on to apply rules only for specific resolution.

For more info you can look through the docs:

To play around with alignment, you can use the demonstration from Angularjs Material resource (it's totally the same as for Angular Material for Angular 2/4):

enter image description here

And another one useful link: