Angular – Pass parameter into route guard


I'm working on an app that has a lot of roles that I need to use guards to block nav to parts of the app based on those roles. I realize I can create individual guard classes for each role, but would rather have one class that I could somehow pass a parameter into. In other words I would like to be able to do something similar to this:

  path: 'super-user-stuff', 
  component: SuperUserStuffComponent,
  canActivate: [RoleGuard.forRole('superUser')]

But since all you pass is the type name of your guard, can't think of a way to do that. Should I just bit the bullet and write the individual guard classes per role and shatter my illusion of elegance in having a single parameterized type instead?

Best Answer

Instead of using forRole(), you can do this:

   path: 'super-user-stuff', 
   component: SuperUserStuffComponent,
   canActivate: RoleGuard,
   data: {roles: ['SuperAdmin', ...]}

and use this in your RoleGuard

canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot)
    : Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean  {

    let roles = as Array<string>;