Angularjs – Mocking AngularJS module dependencies in Jasmine unit tests

angularjsjasminekarma-runnerunit testing

I'm attempting to unit test controller code inside a module that takes other modules as dependencies, but haven't been able to figure out how to mock them properly.

I'm using the Jasmine Framework and running my tests with Karma (Testacular).

Module Code

var app = angular.module('events', ['af.widgets', 'angular-table']);

app.controller('eventsCtrl', function([dependencies]){
    $ = [];

Spec Code

describe('events module', function(){
    var $scope,

        angular.mock.module('af.widgets', []);
        angular.mock.module('angular-table', []);
        module('events', ['af.widgets', 'angular-table']);

    beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller){
        $scope = $;
        ctrl = $controller('NameCtrl', {
            $scope: $scope,

    it('should have an empty events array', function(){

The error I'm getting is Karma is "no module af.widgets", so obviously I'm not mocking the module dependencies right. Any hints?

Best Answer

If you want to mock a module that declare one or more services I have used this code:

    module(function ($provide) {
        $provide.value('yourService', serviceMock);

This is useful if the service you want to mock is also a service that you want to unit test (in another jasmine describe). The solution proposed by fscof is fine but you cannot create a unit test for the angular-table module.

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