Angularjs – ng-style or style attribute with binding? Which is better? Which is faster? What is the difference


I am optimizing my large application. I am confused between following two approach, please help to decide which one is faster.

Inline style attributes

<div style="background-color:{{item.color}}"></div>

Using ng-style

<div ng-style="{'background-color':item.color}"></div>

Using once-style

<div once-style="{'background-color':item.color}"></div>

Note : For once-style, I have used AngularOnce Directive.

Thanks in advance. Please tell me which one is faster and why.

Best Answer

One time bind is available after Angular 1.3.

You can do this way without depending on third-party libraries:

<div ng-style="::{'background-color': item.color}"></div>

I didn't measure the performance, but I'm pretty sure that its better than without the colons.