Apache – Adobe Flex: Scrollable boxes


If a dynamically sized (i.e. width100%) Box isn't big enough for it's content how to I get that box to becode scrollable instead of passing this resposiblity to it's parent. I'e I only want the box to become as large as there's space for it.

I.e. in the following example, if you resize your browser window so that the textboxes don't fit (heightwise), how do I get box1 to show scrollbars and not the entire application?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100%" height="100%">

    <mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">

        <mx:VBox id="box1" backgroundColor="green" height="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="on" clipContent="true">

            <mx:TextInput width="200"/>

            <mx:TextInput width="200"/>

            <mx:TextInput width="200"/>

            <mx:TextInput width="200"/>

            <mx:TextInput width="200"/>

            <mx:TextInput width="200"/>


        <mx:Box backgroundColor="red" width="100%" height="100%">




I've tried with verticalScrollbarPolicy auto and on, but that didn't work.

Best Answer

So you need to wrap the vbox in a canvas and set the vbox to have a relative height to its contents (by not setting a height property). For some reason it has to be a canvas and not another Box derivative. That way you get the effect you are trying to achieve.

    xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100%" height="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="off">

   <mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">

        <mx:Canvas id="box1" backgroundColor="green" height="100%" >

            <mx:VBox >
                <mx:Button width="200" />

                <mx:Button width="200"/>

                <mx:Button width="200"/>

                <mx:Button width="200"/>

                <mx:Button width="200"/>

                <mx:Button width="200"/>


        <mx:Box backgroundColor="red" width="100%" height="100%" />


Will try and come up with the reason it has to be a canvas. It feels right in my head but finding it hard to articulate. Will hopefull get you an explanation soon.

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