Apache – Flash app depends on Flex. Are there any SWF bytecode size optimizers


Hello world application that uses Flex, compiled with optimize=true has size 178K. How to reduce application size?

We do not like to use RSL, we don't like to avoid Flex.

Largest part of resulting SWF is unused bytecode. Are there any tools to optimize bytecode — drop unused methods, classes, give methods shorter names and so on?

I know some such tools for Java bytecode. Any there any for SWF?

Best Answer

The size is the cost of the Flex API. You don't get to pick and choose which parts are compiled in, so the best case is going to still carry a lot of baggage.

If size is a big worry, you can get away with using only the flash side of ActionScript, but you lose out on a lot of the nice prebuilt Flex components.

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