Apache – How to add the Apache POI Library in Eclipse – for Selenium Webdriver project


I need to add the apache poi to my project (I need hssf, ss and xssf). I downloaded a jar file from the internet but it does not contain xssf. I went to http://poi.apache.org/ and I downloaded this: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/poi/release/src/poi-src-3.9-20121203.zip, I extract it..and got stucked. I tried Part 1 but that was only for JavaDoc.

How should I proceed from here?

Best Answer

  1. Download The latest stable release: Apache POI 3.16-FINAL distribution,

  2. open your eclipse project properties,

  3. Java Built Path > Libraries > Add external JARs,

  4. then extract the zip file you downloaded and navigate the extracted folder,

  5. select all the JARs under the sub folders (docs, lib, ooxml-lib),

  6. then finally in the Order and Export section put marks to jar libs you just added,

and click OK.

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