Apache – How to fix overlapping VBox children in a canvas


I have multiple HBoxes inside a VBox inside a canvas like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:local="*">
<mx:Canvas  width="600" height="500">
        <mx:VBox height="100%" left="10" right="10">
        <mx:HBox width="100%" >
        <mx:VBox width="48%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="left">
        <mx:Label text="Label" />


        <mx:VBox width="48%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="left">
        <mx:Label text="Label" />
        <mx:HBox width="100%">
            <mx:VBox width="48%">   
                <mx:Label text="Label" />
                <mx:ComboBox />


                <mx:Label text="Label" />
                <mx:Label text="Label" />
            <mx:Label text="Label" />
        <mx:VBox horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
        includeInLayout="false" >
        <mx:Label text="Label"  />

        <mx:HBox horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
            <mx:VBox >
                    <mx:Label text="Text" />
                    <mx:ComboBox />
                    <mx:Label text="Label" />
                    <mx:ComboBox />
        <mx:HBox horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
                <mx:Label text="Label:"/>
                <mx:ComboBox />
                <mx:Label text="Label: "/>
                <mx:ComboBox   />
        <mx:HBox >
            <mx:Label text="Label:" />
            <mx:CheckBox />

The last child in the VBox is overlapping with other components. How do you prevent children of a VBox in a Canvas from overlapping? How do you debug this situation?

I have tried the following:

  • Removing percent based sizing
  • IncludeInLayout = true

Sceenshot – Label and Checkbox Overlapping:
alt text

Best Answer

It's hard to say with the information provided, but the two questions that come to mind first are:

  1. Is your VBox height greater than the sum of the heights of its children?
  2. Have you set the verticalGap property on the VBox? verticalGap determines vertical spacing between children.