Apache – How to improve the speed of this Adobe Flex script


I am working on my first Adobe Flex application, and have a code section that appears to be running very slowly (but it does function properly!).

CC_Output is a text control, all the other controls are checkboxes (CC, CC_Duration, etc.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


        private function updateLabel():void {
            var HPI_Score:Number = 0;
            if (CC.selected) {CC_Output.text = "CC/HPI - Brief";}

            if (!CC.selected) {
                CC_Output.text = "CC/HPI - Inadequate";
            } else {

                if (CC_Duration.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+1;}
                if (CC_Location.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+1;}
                if (CC_Quality.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+1;}
                if (CC_Severity.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+1;}
                if (CC_Timing.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+1;}
                if (CC_Context.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+1;}
                if (CC_Modify.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+1;}
                if (CC_Assoc.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+1;}
                if (CC_Chronic_Dx.selected) {HPI_Score=HPI_Score+4;}

                if (HPI_Score > 3) {CC_Output.text = "CC/HPI - Extended";}

<mx:TextArea id="LBL" x="262" y="28" enabled="true" visible="true" width="142"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="71" label="Duration" id="CC_Duration" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="92" label="Location" id="CC_Location" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="113" label="Quality" id="CC_Quality" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="134" label="Severity" id="CC_Severity" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="155" label="Timing" id="CC_Timing" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="176" label="Context" id="CC_Context" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="197" label="Modifying Factors" id="CC_Modify" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="218" label="Assoc Signs/Symptoms" id="CC_Assoc" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:CheckBox x="10" y="239" label="Status of 3 Chronic Dx" id="CC_Chronic_Dx" enabled="true" visible="true" click="updateLabel();"/>
<mx:Label x="10" y="29" text="CC/HPI" fontWeight="bold" id="CC_Output"/>

Best Answer

In a vacuum, that code runs fine on my laptop (if I add in a CC control).

I rewrote it a bit to fast exit and that might improve things a bit in some cases.

        private function updateLabel():void
        const messageInadequate:String = "CC/HPI - Inadequate";
        const messageBrief:String = "CC/HPI - Brief";
        const messageExtended:String = "CC/HPI - Extended";

        if (!CC.selected)
            CC_Output.text = messageInadequate;

        if (CC_Chronic_Dx.selected)
            CC_Output.text = messageExtended;

        var HPI_Score:int = 0;

        if (CC_Duration.selected) HPI_Score++;
        if (CC_Location.selected) HPI_Score++;
        if (CC_Quality.selected) HPI_Score++;
        if (CC_Severity.selected) HPI_Score++;
        if (CC_Timing.selected) HPI_Score++;
        if (CC_Context.selected) HPI_Score++;
        if (CC_Modify.selected) HPI_Score++;
        if (CC_Assoc.selected) HPI_Score++;

        if (4 > HPI_Score)
            CC_Output.text = messageBrief;
            CC_Output.text = messageExtended;