Apache – Is flex memory safe (leak free)


I would like to make apps that can run in a flash enabled browser and decided flex would be best for me so I started to learn that. AFAIK flex has a GC but how that GC works compared to the ones in other languages I've seen may be a bit different. I have found this but apparently there is (or were) huge memory leaks that could not be prevented and a lot worse when run in IE.

Is flex safe to trust now. Have any leak that were there been fixed?

Best Answer

I work on a fairly large and complex Flex3 app, and we haven't had any terrible or uncontrollable memory leaks - even in IE.

This post by Grant Skinner on garbage collection in AS3 was very helpful to me. It was posted in 2006, but it's still entirely relevant (as we're still using AS3). It's part of a three-part series he did on resource management - there are links to the associated articles in his post.


Something to understand/remember is that Flex apps run in the Flash Player - maybe you're clear on that, but I don't think it's entirely obvious if you aren't coming from a Flash development background. At least, I don't think it would have been for me. :)

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