Access session state from an HTTPModule


I could really do with updating a user's session variables from within my HTTPModule, but from what I can see, it isn't possible.

UPDATE: My code is currently running inside the OnBeginRequest () event handler.

UPDATE: Following advice received so far, I tried adding this to the Init () routine in my HTTPModule:

AddHandler context.PreRequestHandlerExecute, AddressOf OnPreRequestHandlerExecute

But in my OnPreRequestHandlerExecute routine, the session state is still unavailable!

Thanks, and apologies if I'm missing something!

Best Answer

Found this over on the ASP.NET forums:

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Diagnostics;

// This code demonstrates how to make session state available in HttpModule,
// regardless of requested resource.
// author: Tomasz Jastrzebski

public class MyHttpModule : IHttpModule
   public void Init(HttpApplication application)
      application.PostAcquireRequestState += new EventHandler(Application_PostAcquireRequestState);
      application.PostMapRequestHandler += new EventHandler(Application_PostMapRequestHandler);

   void Application_PostMapRequestHandler(object source, EventArgs e)
      HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)source;

      if (app.Context.Handler is IReadOnlySessionState || app.Context.Handler is IRequiresSessionState) {
         // no need to replace the current handler

      // swap the current handler
      app.Context.Handler = new MyHttpHandler(app.Context.Handler);

   void Application_PostAcquireRequestState(object source, EventArgs e)
      HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)source;

      MyHttpHandler resourceHttpHandler = HttpContext.Current.Handler as MyHttpHandler;

      if (resourceHttpHandler != null) {
         // set the original handler back
         HttpContext.Current.Handler = resourceHttpHandler.OriginalHandler;

      // -> at this point session state should be available

      Debug.Assert(app.Session != null, "it did not work :(");

   public void Dispose()


   // a temp handler used to force the SessionStateModule to load session state
   public class MyHttpHandler : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState
      internal readonly IHttpHandler OriginalHandler;

      public MyHttpHandler(IHttpHandler originalHandler)
         OriginalHandler = originalHandler;

      public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
         // do not worry, ProcessRequest() will not be called, but let's be safe
         throw new InvalidOperationException("MyHttpHandler cannot process requests.");

      public bool IsReusable
         // IsReusable must be set to false since class has a member!
         get { return false; }